ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat

06 - 08 June 2024
Porto, Portugal

ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat

06 - 08 June 2024
Porto, Portugal


[last update: 29/05/2024]


09:30-12:30 Executive Board (closed meeting)

15:00-18:30 General Assembly (members/by invitation only)
(Location: Aula Magna - Rectorate, University of Porto)

WELCOME by Pedro Rodrigues, vice-Rector University of Porto
Chairs: Prof Carlo Signorelli & Prof Henrique Barros

19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception
(Location: Institute of Public Health, University of Porto)

(Location: Almeida Garrett Library, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal)

09:00-09:15 WELCOME by Joana Carvalho, vice-Rector University of Porto
Chairs: Prof Carlo Signorelli & Prof Henrique Barros

09:15-09:45 WARM UP SESSION
Harnessing the power of simulation for public health training
University of Porto & University of Salford, with SEEEPHI & WHO simulations

Lifelong Learning in Public Health - in perspective

INTRODUCTION by Prof Pedro Teixeira, University of Porto & former Secretary of State for Higher Education, Portugal
Lifelong Learning in Public Health - an outsider’s perspective

Lifelong Learning: The Shift for a Competent and Resilient Public Health Workforce
Dr Laura Magaña

Global Network for Academic Public Health

Lifelong Learning Through the Lens of Curiosity - To meet Health Needs in a Changing World
Prof Ariane Bauernfeind
Andalusian School of Public Health - Granada, Spain

Lifelong Learning: Public Health and War
Prof Oliver Razum

Bielefeld University, Germany

Lifelong Learning: More of the same lifelong? Or something different?
Prof Isabelle Richard

EHESP School of Public Health - Rennes, France

Lifelong Learning: Disease Prevention Specialist - First legally recognised profession for public health graduates in Poland
Prof Iwona Kowalska-Bobko
Jagiellonian University - Krakow, Poland

Lifelong learning: TSMU practices with a focus on the joint course with NCDC “Bioterrorism and Emergency Readiness"
Prof Levan Baramidze

Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia

Moderator: Dr Andre Peralta
General Directorate for Health & Lisbon NOVA University, Portugal

11:00-11:30 Active break / Installation of posters

Geopolitical Health and the role of Schools of Public Health

Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat
Director Country Health Policies & Systems, World Health Organization

Prof Luis Eugenio Souza
President, World Federation of Public Health Associations

Moderator: Thomas Van Cangh
Cabinet of the Belgian Prime Minister, Belgium


Rui Moreira
Mayor of Porto

Prof Ana Paula Martins
Minister of Health, Portugal

Moderator: Thomas Van Cangh
Cabinet of the Belgian Prime Minister, Belgium

13:00-14:00 Lunch / Poster viewing

Chairs: Prof Carlo Signorelli & Prof Henrique Barros


Prof Kasia Czabanowska - Lead, ASPHER PHW Professionalization Task Force
Maastricht University, Netherlands

ASPHER Member Responders:

Prof Monica Hunsberger
University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr Anna Cooper-Ryan
University of Salford - Manchester, United Kingdom

Moderator: Dr Danko Relic, Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, Croatia


Prof Mary Codd - Lead, ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme
University College Dublin, Ireland

ASPHER Member Responders:

Prof Gaetano Privitera
University of Pisa, Italy

Prof Lukasz Balwicki
Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

Moderator: Dr Rok Hrzic, Maastricht University, Netherlands

15:30-16:00 Break / Poster viewing


Prof Kai Michelsen - Lead, ASPHER Working Group on PH Undergraduate Training
Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany

ASPHER Member Responders:

Dr Raquel Lucas
University of Porto, Portugal

Prof Zohar Mor
Ashkelon Academic College, Israel & SEEEPHI project

Moderator: Sofia Lombatti, University College London, United Kingdom


Dr Julien Goodman - Director, APHEA

Prof Sue Babich - Chair, APHEA Accreditation Board
Indiana University, United States

ASPHER Member Responders:

Prof Ramune Kalediene
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences - Kaunas, Lithuania

Prof Hazem Agha
Al-Quds University, Palestine

Moderator: Dr Flavia Pennisi, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University - Milan, Italy

17:30-18:00 Looking ahead & Closing

Robert Otok - Director, ASPHER
Prof Polychronis Kostoulas - Executive Board Member, ASPHER
Prof Henrique Barros - President-Elect, ASPHER

20:00-23:00 Festive Dinner - DD Porto 2024, including ASPHER 2024 Awards Ceremony
(Location: Casa do Ribeirinho, R. Dr. José Ventura 31, 4250-245 Matosinhos)

(Location: Almeida Garrett Library, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal)

09:00-09:30 Introduction by chairs & SETTING THE SCENE PRESENTATION
Chairs: Prof Henrique Barros & Prof Carlo Signorelli

Public Health Emergencies - Lessons Learned

Sofia Lombatti, University College London, United Kingdom
Dr Avi Magid, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel & SEEEPHI project


INTRODUCTION by Prof Nadav Davidovitch, Lead, ASPHER Public Health Emergencies Task Force & SEEEPHI project
Pandemic Treaty, IHR & #WHA77 - ASPHER perspective

Social participation in public health decision-making
Charlotte Marchandise, European Public Health Association

Capacity building & One Health
Dr Emilia Aragon De Leon, World Health Organization

Migration & Vulnerabilities
Dr Maria Cristina Profili, International Organization for Migration

Climate & Health
Dr Eline Vanuytrecht, European Climate and Health Observatory

Moderator: Dr Raquel Lucas, Editor-in-Chief, Public Health Reviews

10:30-10:50 Active break / Poster viewing

10:50-11:30 NEXT GENERATION PANEL reflections on the morning interventions

Mays Abu Alkean, Ashkelon Academic College, Israel

Dr Lorenzo Blandi, University of Pavia, Italy

Tara Chen, University of Waterloo, Canada

Karl Conyard, University College Dublin, Ireland

Dr Rok Hrzic, Maastricht University, Netherlands

Julia Nowicka, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

Dr Brian Wong, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Moderator: Ines Siepmann - Lead, ASPHER Young Professionals Programme

Future of Public Health Research (and Practice)

INTRODUCTION by Laurent Chambaud, ASPHER & Anne-Catherine Viso, IANPHI -
in dialogue on public health ethics

Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention in Changing Work Environments
Prof Ella Arensman

University of Cork, Ireland

There is No Public Health without Planetary Health
Dr Chiara Caddedu

Erasmus University - Rotterdam, Netherlands

Empowering Public Health Leadership with Data Innovation
Prof Genevieve Chene

ISPED Bordeaux, France

Public Health & Immunization
Prof Aleksandra Jovic Vranes

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Contribution of the School of Public Health to Crisis Management and Health Policy Development: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemics
Prof Ramune Kalediene

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

Inequalities & Vumnerable Populations
Prof Alison McCallum

University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Moderator: Prof Henrique Barros, University of Porto

12:45-13:45 Lunch / Poster viewing

13:45-15:00 PARALLEL SESSION “Challenge Room" Round 1

Session 1A: Abstracts presentation session
(Location: ICBAS, R. Jorge de Viterbo Ferreira 228, Ampitheater 2)

Prof Caterina Rizzo & Prof Polychronis Kostoulas
University of Pisa, Italy & University of Thesally, Greece

Challenges of Establishing a new School of Population Health
Dr Sarah Barry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland

Student Mobility through ERASMUS
Dr Nina Adelberger, Berlin School of Public Health, Germany

Postgraduate medical education in Public Health: the Italian scenario and a call to action
Dr Flavia Pennisi, Vita Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, Italy

The Importance of Promoting Clinical Track Faculty in Schools of Public Health
Prof Manfred Green, University of Haifa, Israel

New doctoral study programme in Global Health in English language as our challenge
Prof Ondrej Holy, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Advancing Global Health Education: Toward a Systematic Framework in Europe
Dr Virginia Casigliani, University of Pisa, Italy

Enhancing public health education through feedback: insights from MPH alumni at the Institute of Public Health, United Arab Emirates University - a mixed method study
Prof Javaid Nauman, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

Session 1B: ASPHER/WHO Core Curriculum for Public Health Programme
(Location: Almeida Garrett Library, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal)

15:15-16:30 PARALLEL SESSION “Challenge Room" Round 2

Session 2A: Abstracts presentation session
(Location: ICBAS, R. Jorge de Viterbo Ferreira 228, Ampitheater 2)

Prof Sonia Dias & Prof Fabrizio Pregliasco
Lisbon NOVA University, Portugal & University of Milan, Italy

The Role of a School of Public Health in implementing health promotion programs
Prof Theis Lange, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Integrating University of Pavia Public Health education and research into the Italian National Health Service: insights from the youngest faculty of one of the oldest Schools of Public Health worldwide
Dr Lorenzo Blandi, University of Pavia, Italy

Continuing Professional Development Programme in Public Health of the Europeanstandard
Prof Alena Petrakova, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic

Education and training of future leaders in public health: the second edition of an innovative programme
Dr Pier Mario Perrone, University of Milan, Italy

Student Evaluations about the Public Health Clerkship of the Medical Training at the United Arab Emirates University
Prof Balázs Ádám, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

The Evolving Role of Universities in Societal Engagement: the EduForIST project from the University of Pisa
Dr Erica De Vita, University of Pisa, Italy

Zoo as a strategic partner for health capacity building of Wrocław seniors as an example of citizen science.
Dr Dagmara Gaweł-Dąbrowska, Medical University of Wroclaw, Poland

Session 2B: APHEA Agency for Public Health Accreditation Agency
(Location: Almeida Garrett Library, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal)

16:30-16:45 Break / Poster viewing

16:45-17:30 Closing KEYNOTE
(Location: Almeida Garrett Library, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal)
Chairs: Prof Henrique Barros & Prof Carlo Signorelli

Public Health as a Pilar of Democracy

Prof Alexandre Tiedtke Quintanilha
Retired, UC Berkeley, LBNL, UPorto, Member of Parliament

DD 2024 wrap up & DD 2025 presentation


09:30-13:30 Sightseeing social programme: Walking plague tour of Porto and boat tour
Meeting point: ISPUP, Rua das Taipas, 135